Four Rivers: The Heritage Area of Annapolis, London Town & South County announces eight new mini-grant awards to local heritage-related nonprofit organizations as part of our fall mini-grant opportunity. The grants totaled $17,210 for projects totaling more than $150,000. This matching mini-grants program, made possible for the twelfth year through financial support from the City of Annapolis, Anne Arundel County, and the Maryland Heritage Areas Authority, leverages other funding to assist local heritage related non-profit organizations to create new programs, activities, and events that build upon heritage-based interpretive themes, foster collaborative partnerships, and enhance local cultural historic resources and heritage tourism. Organizations and projects approved for FY2016 Mini-grant awards are:
- Annapolis Maritime Museum, for a feasibility study for use of the Back Creek Nature Park
- Chesapeake Children’s Museum, for “Child’s Play is Timeless,” a series of public programming for children and families.
- Friends of the Maryland State Archives, for a new brochure interpreting the historic Charles Willson Peale painting Washington, Lafayette and Tilghman at Yorktown which hangs in the Maryland State House
- Hammond –Harwood House Association, for “Outdoor Discovery at the Hammond-Harwood House Museum,” a public program for children and new signage for the garden area
- Historic Annapolis, Inc., for a planning and visioning session on the best future use of the Sands House, one of the oldest historic homes in Annapolis
- Kunta Kinte-Alex Haley Foundation, for the development of video interpretation to be accessible through quick response (QR) codes that will be added to multiple points on the Kunta Kinte-Alex Haley Memorial in downtown Annapolis
- London Town Foundation, for “Illuminated London Town,” a new public program beginning in December that will bring Historic London Town and Gardens alive at night
- Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts, for their upcoming exhibit “A Single Goal: The Art of Trumpy Yacht Building”
Four Rivers: The Heritage Area of Annapolis, London Town & South County, one of Maryland’s 13 certified heritage areas, is a partnership among the State of Maryland, Anne Arundel County, the City of Annapolis, the town of Highland Beach, and local historic sites, heritage organizations, and heritage-related businesses, to encourage economic vitality through historic preservation and heritage tourism. For more information, please contact Executive Director Carol Benson at the Four Rivers office at 410-222-1805, or by sending an e-mail to [email protected], or visit our website at