Goshen Farm
1420 Cape St. Claire Road
Annapolis, MD 21409
1420 Cape St. Claire Road
Annapolis, MD 21409
The Goshen Farm Preservation Society, Inc. (GFPS and referred to as the “Society”) was established in 2006 to safeguard and restore the historic Goshen Farm and its surrounding property for residents of the Broadneck Peninsula and Anne Arundel County. Goshen farm is owned by the Anne Arundel County Board of Education (BoE).
The land called Goshen Farm originally consisted of 290 acres and was patented as Leonard’s Neck in 1663. Buildings at Goshen Farm include the Goshen Farm House, the Tenant’s Cottage, the Servant’s Quarters, and a Milk House. In addition to restoring the Goshen Farm House, the Society plans to restore the remaining buildings and build a replica of the Cattle Barn to be used as an Educational Center.
Pictures of the building can be seen at History of the Buildings – Goshen Farm Preservation Society
A full history of Goshen Farm can be seen at About Goshen Farm – Goshen Farm Preservation Society
Mailing address:
Goshen Farm Preservation Society, Inc.
1223 River Bay Road
Annapolis, MD 21409