
Green Drinks

Market Space 25 Market Street , Annapolis, MD, United States

Theme: Tread Lightly Climate Change - Local Action at the Grass Roots Annapolis Green will kick off a year-long initiative at Green Drinks to bring attention to and explain the global issues of Climate Change but with a local perspective. Through our initiative, Tread Lightly, we will inform you about the big issues while advocating for changes in our everyday lives. Many small changes add up. That's where Grass Roots Action comes in. Predictions about Climate Change are dire, frightening and discouraging. The effects of our heavy carbon footprint are...

Grand Illumination – Annapolis Tree Lighting

Market Space 25 Market Street , Annapolis, MD, United States

With support from the Annapolis business community, the Annapolis Jaycees (Junior Chamber of Commerce) will once again host the Lighting of the Tree in Annapolis during the City’s Grand Illumination event. Watch Santa arrive in town and enjoy singing and dance performances by area youth. The Jaycees will provide refreshments and ornaments children can use to decorate the tree. Attendees are invited to bring nonperishable food items and new, unwrapped toys for the Jaycees’ annual Angel Tree Project. Free.