Our Impact
The mission of Chesapeake Crossroads Heritage Area is to advance, support and promote the natural, historic and cultural resources of the region. As part of our mission we manage grant programs that support our local partners. Please see our management plan, five-year plan, and additional resources on our Partner Resources Page for specifics. We have twin objectives of sustainability and enhanced stewardship of heritage resources, both of which enhance regional economic development. Our annual measurable results include grants funded, total dollars leveraged, number of activities, program participants and audiences served, number of enhanced heritage tourism products and services, number of volunteer hours and new programs and products resulting from committee activities.
CCHA is the only entity through which heritage-related nonprofit organizations and municipalities within its borders are eligible for matching Maryland Heritage Areas Authority (MHAA) grants and low interest business loans. Since certification, CCHA has brought more than $7.9 million in matched program and project grants, including one low interest loan to a heritage tourism business, resulting in total leverage of more than $26.4 million for heritage organizations and projects.
Latest Highlights
Year in Review: Grants Awarded in 2022