Chesapeake Crossroads Heritage Area is pleased to announce nine new Mini-Grant awards to local heritage-related nonprofit organizations as part of our FY23 Mini-Grant opportunity. The grants awarded this fall totaled $26,494 for overall projects of $152,494. This matching Mini-Grants program, made possible through a Block Grant from the Maryland Heritage Areas Authority, augmented this year by an anonymous donor, leverages other funding to assist local heritage related non-profit organizations to create new programs, products, activities, and events that build upon heritage-based interpretive themes, foster collaborative partnerships, and enhance local cultural historic resources and heritage tourism.
Organizations and projects approved for Fall FY2023 Mini-Grant awards include:
— Annapolis Maritime Museum and Park, “Marine Survey and Preservation Plan for AMM’s Wooden Boat Collection,” $2,500
— Banneker-Douglass Museum Foundation, “‘The Radical Voice of Blackness Speaks of Resistance and Joy’ Exhibit,” $4,000
— Captain Avery Museum, “Emojis for the Chesapeake,” $4,000
— Chesapeake Arts Center, “Spring Break Art and Culture Mini-Camp,” $1,494
— Chesapeake Children’s Museum and Partners, “Maryland Day Weekend 2023,” $4,000
— Chesapeake Children’s Museum, “‘Free to Fish” Exhibit and Programs,” $3,000
— Historic Annapolis, “’The Beaches” Exhibit at the Museumof Historic Annapolis,” $1,500
— Kunta Kinte-Alex Haley Foundation, “African American Female Pioneers Book Project,” $2,000
— Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts, “Ballet After Dark,” $4,000
For more information about the grant program, please visit the Mini-Grants page on this website,