Each year, grants from the Maryland Heritage Areas Authority (MHAA) contribute significantly to heritage resources and attractions that tell our stories and strengthen the museums, history centers, exhibits, and attractions that heritage tourists visit in our area. This listing of MHAA grants closed in 2022 is only a fraction of the ongoing work that this vital source of state funding supports. The three partner sites in the list used MHAA matching funds to create outstanding new additions to the heritage interpretation in our heritage area: the Woodlawn History Center at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center in Edgewater (located in the building also known as the “Sellman-Kirkpatrick-Howat House”); the new permanent exhibit in the Captain Avery Museum in Shady Side; and the permanent exhibit, “Annapolis: An American Story” in the Museum of Historic Annapolis (MOHA).
MHAA grants closed in 2022 include:
- “Sellman House Building Envelope and Interior: Restoration of Windows, Doors and Marble Fireplace Mantles” — FY2019 — $100,000
- Smithsonian Environmental Research Center – “Sellman-Kirkpatrick-Howat House: Exhibit Planning-Phase II Completion of Design” – FY2021 — $50,000

- Captain Avery Museum, Inc. – “COVID-19 Emergency Operating Support” – FY2020 — $10,000
- Captain Avery Museum, Inc. – “From Vision to Reality” – FY2021 — $10,000

- Historic Annapolis, Inc. – “History of Annapolis Exhibit: Fabrication and Installation” – FY2021 –$50,000