Hope Stewart

Eight Fall Mini-Grants Awarded to Non-Profit Organizations in Annapolis and Southern Anne Arundel County

Four Rivers: The Heritage Area of Annapolis, London Town & South County announces eight new mini-grant awards to local heritage-related nonprofit organizations as part of our fall mini-grant opportunity. The […]

Maryland Heritage Areas Authority Announces Grant Awards of $276,737 to Local Heritage Organizations

The Maryland Heritage Areas Authority (MHAA) today announced 52 matching grants totaling more than $2.6 million to Maryland non-profits, local jurisdictions, and other heritage tourism organizations including museums, historic preservation, […]

Six Spring Mini-Grants Awarded to Non-Profit Organizations in Annapolis and Southern Anne Arundel County

Four Rivers: The Heritage Area of Annapolis, London Town & South County announces six new mini-grant awards to local heritage-related nonprofit organizations as part of our spring mini-grant opportunity. The […]