Additional MHAA FY16 Grant Award Announced

December 3, 2015
Four Rivers is pleased to announce that a fourth grant from this year’s Maryland Heritage Areas Authority (MHAA) grant cycle has been approved in our heritage area! A non-capital grant to Anne Arundel County Department of Planning & Zoning, originally on the “reserve” list for funding, has been approved following a Budget Amendment passed by the Maryland Legislature and Governor Hogan.
“Before the Bay Bridge: Anne Arundel County’s 20th-Century Beach Resorts” will support educational and interactive programs at Anne Arundel County’s Beverly Triton Beach Park, raising public awareness and appreciation of the park’s rich history. The project will include support for the development, production and installation of interpretive signs along the walking trails leading to the park’s Chesapeake Bay waterfront. Evening “beach-side” talks are planned where historians and archaeologists will share stories around a bonfire of the beach resorts that thrived in Anne Arundel County before the Bay Bridge.
This brings the total of the MHAA grants that have been awarded to organizations in our heritage area in FY16 to $316,737 for projects, totaling $2,173,434. Congratulations to our partners for receiving this important funding!

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