
Sponsorships are available to non-profit organizations for an event or program taking place within the geographic boundaries of our heritage area.

Chesapeake Crossroads Heritage Area has a limited amount of funding available each fiscal year that may be used towards the sponsorship of events or collaborative initiatives planned by one or more stakeholders.

We look for events/programs that foster creative collaborations among multiple heritage-related organizations to build partnerships for the benefit of our local community.

NOTE: Sponsorships approved by Chesapeake Crossroads are usually in the $250-$500 range. For an event with a larger budget, please consider our Mini-Grant opportunity.

Application Procedure

If your event or program meets our criteria (above), you are encouraged to submit a detailed request. All sponsorship requests must be submitted via e-mail to [email protected] using our application form. Sponsorships are considered on a rolling basis and decisions and usually made within 3-5 working days.

Review Process

Our sponsorship review committee will review applications on an ongoing basis throughout the year. It may take up to two weeks for a request to be reviewed; you will be notified via e-mail. Thank you!

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