Nine Mini-Grants Awarded to Organizations in Annapolis and Anne Arundel County

November 4, 2020
Four Rivers: The Heritage Area of Annapolis, London Town & South County announces nine new mini-grant awards to local heritage-related nonprofit organizations as part of our FY21 mini-grant opportunity.
     The grants awarded this fall totaled $27,420 for overall projects of $85,558. This matching mini-grants program, made possible through financial support from the City of Annapolis, Anne Arundel County, and the Maryland Heritage Areas Authority, leverages other funding to assist local heritage related non-profit organizations to create new programs, activities, and events that build upon heritage-based interpretive themes, foster collaborative partnerships, and enhance local cultural historic resources and heritage tourism.
     This year, due to the continuing COVID-19 State of Emergency, the heritage areas have been authorized by the Maryland Heritage Areas Authority to allow the use of mini-grant funds for operating expenses. Five of the grants awarded are for heritage projects, and four were awarded for emergency operating funds to heritage organizations in the heritage area.
Organizations with projects approved for Fall FY2021 Mini-Grant awards are:
— Annapolis Community Foundation, with Annapolis Greek Heritage Project, for an interpretive website with videos, images, and stories about Greek heritage in Annapolis, $4,000
— Banneker-Douglass Museum Foundation, Inc., for “Anti-Racism Program Series,” $4,000
— Galesville Heritage Society, for a self-guided heritage tour brochure, $2,210
— Historic Annapolis, Inc., for “Annapolis: An American Story” visitor brochure, $2,710
— London Town Foundation, Inc., for “Interpretive Signage in Response to COVID-19,” $4,000
Organizations awarded Emergency Operating funds (fully matched at least 1:1) are:
— Annapolis Maritime Museum, Inc., for $4,000
— Galesville Community Center Organization, for $1,250
— Ralph J. Bunche Community Center, Inc., for $1,250
— Wiley H. Bates Legacy Center, for $4,000
For more information about the grant program, please visit the Mini-Grants page on the website,

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