Four Rivers Heritage Area is pleased to announce two grant opportunities this spring!
FY18 Maryland Heritage Areas Authority (MHAA) Grant Application
The application materials for the FY 2018 grant round are now available on the Maryland Historical Trust’s website: – (use Internet Explorer, Firefox or another browser that is not Chrome). NOTE: Click on the “To begin a new application, Click here” link in the middle of the page to begin an Intent to Apply form.
As in previous years, applicants will begin with the Intent to Apply form, which is due January 27. Once they have submitted that form, they will be provided access to the non-capital or capital project full application form, which will then be due on March 1. The Intent to Apply form does not obligate the applicant to complete a full application. See our Grants page for more information.
Award amounts typically range from a maximum $50,000 for non-capital and programming projects and a maximum of $100,000 for capital projects. All grants must be matched in an amount at least equal to the grant (dollar-for-dollar match). A portion of this match may be with in-kind services, such as volunteer time, donated professional services, and donated materials.
Please plan to attend a grant workshop or webinar! These sessions are an opportunity to learn more about the FY 2018 grant program and the online application. You will also have the chance to ask any questions you may have about the program.
Monday, January 9, 2017 – 10:00 a.m. – Online Webinar – Click to Register
Wednesday, January 11, 2017 – 2:00 p.m. – Workshop in Crownsville – Click to Register
Tuesday, January 17, 2017 – 2:00 p.m. – Online Webinar – Click to Register
Remember, you MUST call the heritage area office at 410-222-1805 to discuss your organization’s FY2018 prospective plans as you complete the Intent to Apply Form. Thank you!
NEW!!! The Spring FY17 Four Rivers Mini-Grant Opportunity has also been announced!
There is a SMALL amount of funds left to be allocated in the Spring FY 2017 Mini-Grant Opportunity. Organizations that received a Fall FY17 grant are not eligible to apply. Visit our Mini-Grants page to access the application, guidelines, and all related grant application information. Remember, there is a MANDATORY Workshop on Wednesday, January 25th, 3 p.m., at Historic London Town and Gardens, 839 Londontown Road, Edgewater. Please RSVP by calling 410-222-1805. Spring 2017 Mini Grant Workshop Flyer
The deadline for this application is Friday, February 10.