Four Rivers Announces our Newest Story Project Video!
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Watermen have long been an integral part of life in Southern Anne Arundel County, Maryland, and the boats they used for their trade go hand-in-hand with their way of life on the water. A few months ago, several organizations from South County came together to showcase the intricate, hand-made wooden boat models that bring to life this key element of a waterman’s life and livelihood. This video features those boat models, as well as interviews with Dorothy Whitman of the Galesville Heritage Society and Peggy L’Hommedieu of the Deale Area Historical Society.
Also, you can “Click Here” to check out our many other attractions throughout the Four Rivers Heritage, several of which have virtual experiences.
Galesville Heritage Society
Address: 988 Main St. Galesville, Maryland 20765
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Deale Area Historical Society
Address: Herrington Harbour North
389 Deale Rd, Tracys Landing, MD 20779
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