In a change from our customary practice, the Four Rivers Heritage Area plans a Site Directors Summit in the fall! Please save the date of Tuesday, September 21 from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. for our Site Directors Summit. This meeting will be virtual, via Zoom. Because of the many new partners, reopenings, and new exhibits and programs in the works, we think September is the perfect time to convene our group for this important exchange of information. Please save the date and watch your inbox for more details to come, thanks!
Four Rivers Heritage Area invites you to our 2021 “Fall Summit” meeting for heritage area site directors and managers (plus key partners) on Tuesday, September 21, 2021, 9:30 a.m, via Zoom. These summit meetings, held annually since 2004, are important opportunities for representatives from our regional heritage-related sites and organizations to exchange information about new programs and products, learn about potential funding sources and collaborative partnerships, and to propose and discuss ideas for future heritage initiatives.
In addition to the traditional round-table information exchange, the agenda includes the Fall Mini-Grant Opportunity, the Annual Heritage Awards and 20th Anniversary Celebration, Maryland Heritage Areas Authority FY2023 funding, committee and sponsorship opportunities, planning for “Maryland Day Celebration 2022,” and more.
Please plan to attend and hear from your counterparts regarding their plans for this year, as well as future collaborations and partnerships. In our Round Table session, the director or her/his representative from each site will be invited to share their site’s latest plans and accomplishments; in the interest of time, we will ask you to limit your remarks to 3 minutes. If you have upcoming programs that cannot be covered in that time frame, please plan to share materials via placing a link in the chat, or send me a flyer that I can share with all. If you cannot attend, we hope you can ask someone to represent your organization in your place!