Becoming a Partner
Do I qualify?
Heritage-related organizations in Anne Arundel County may ask, “Do I qualify to become a CCHA Partner?” Here is the short answer: All heritage-related nonprofit organizations that are within our approved geographic boundaries are eligible to be our partners!
We define “heritage” as “historical, cultural, and natural resources.”
Our organization’s operations, and our network, are defined geographically. We have officially approved boundaries that are marked on GIS-based maps that define exactly where we can operate for funding purposes (see below).
However, we CAN partner with ANY heritage-related organization in Anne Arundel County, even if they are not within our boundaries, for programs, events, and other networking so long as these activities do not involve MHAA’s funding or financial resources. So contact us today, and let’s start a conversation!
Am I within the boundaries?
Here’s how to check whether their organization, heritage site or proposed project is located within the heritage area’s approved boundaries, which were expanded in April 2021:
Go to Medusa, Maryland’s Cultural Resources Information System
In the left sidebar, click on “Layers”.
One of the choices is “Other MHT Base Data.” Click on the arrow to the right within this box. Wait until the sublayer “Maryland Heritage Areas” is visible, then click that box to select this layer. Wait until the heritage area names appear on the map, then use the “+” symbol to enlarge the map area you are interested in, or search on your site name or address in the box at top that says “Find address or place.” Your location or parcel on the map should appear within the pink cross-hatched area of the map marked Chesapeake Crossroads Heritage Area, if this place is within the approved boundaries in our county. Other heritage areas across the state are marked in other counties.
The maps we publish on this website, and in the heritage area brochure, are for informational purposes only; the GIS-based map in Medusa is the resource that MHAA uses to determine eligibility.