On July 10, 2014, the Maryland Heritage Areas Authority (MHAA) approved nearly $2.7 million to 60 project grants in a highly competitive grant round. Four of the grants were to projects in the Four Rivers Heritage Area in Anne Arundel County. Grants awarded from MHAA fund historical, cultural and natural resource projects in 12 certified Heritage Areas across the state. Grant funds support heritage tourism projects and activities that expand economic development and tourism-related job creation in 21 counties and the city of Baltimore. Tourism represents the 10th largest private employment sector in Maryland, providing more than 135,741 jobs and about $4.5 billion in wages and salaries. Visitors to Maryland spent over $14.9 billion, generating more than $2 billion in state and local tax revenue across Maryland in just one year.
Total Requested Funds in Maryland in FY15 = $ 4,815,929
Funds Awarded = $ 2,699,855
Total Match Leveraged = $ 14,722,991
Carol Benson, Executive Director of the Four Rivers Heritage Area, said, “These excellent projects will now go forward thanks to funding from the Maryland Heritage Areas Authority. A former Rosenwald school in Galesville will augment a traveling exhibit brought from the Smithsonian with locally-developed programming that shares the stories of the local ballteam known as the ‘Hot Sox.’ A significant historic structure in downtown Annapolis known as ‘Hogshead,’ where school groups and visitors enjoy hands-on experiences of early American life, will receive much-needed repairs. And a leading heritage organization in the region, Historic Annapolis, will make upgrades to its website and develop a Walking Tour ‘App’ that will increase the visibility of the history and heritage of our area for visitors and residents alike. Finally, the Four Rivers Heritage Area will receive important support to continue its programs and activities, such as the annual ‘Maryland Day Celebration’ and its awards and mini-grant programs. It is important to recognize as well that all grants from the Authority are fully matched at the local level.”
Grants to Projects in Annapolis, London Town and South County (Four Rivers) Heritage Area, Anne Arundel County:
“Field of Dreams: Home Grown History”
Galesville Community Center, Galesville, MD
To support the interpretation phase of Field of Dreams, a companion program to the Smithsonian’s traveling exhibit, Hometown Teams: How Sports Shaped America. The Galesville Community Center will work with the Anne Arundel County Public Schools Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) program, providing professional and programmatic support to teachers and students who will engage with Galesville’s history and contribute to the Hometown Teams exhibit. The project will also include summer training for teachers and immersive archeological activities for 7th grade students.
Capital Repairs to 43 Pinkney Street
Historic Annapolis, Inc., Annapolis, MD
To make repairs to the National Register-listed building known as the Artisan’s House or Hogshead Barracks. The building is used to tell authentic stories to the public about the Revolutionary War and the lives of everyday townspeople. It is an exemplary example of a gambrel-roofed frame house in Annapolis.
Website Redesign and Mobile Walking Tour Application
Historic Annapolis, Inc., Annapolis, MD
To redesign the Historic Annapolis website and develop a walking tour application for mobile devices that will provide easily accessible information about visiting historic sites in Annapolis, participating in community events, connecting to educational resources, other heritage partners and tourism opportunities.
FY 2015 Management Grant
Annapolis, London Town and South County Heritage Area
To support the management of the Annapolis, London Town, and South County Heritage Area (ALTSCHA) to conduct activities, programs and projects consistent with ALTSCHA’s state, county and city-approved heritage area management plan and five-year action plan, along with marketing Four Rivers and offering a highly successful mini-grant program, now in its twelfth year.