Grant Opportunities Announced

January 19, 2016
The FY17 Maryland Heritage Areas Authority (MHAA) Grant Application Process has begun!
The application materials for the FY 2017 grant round are now available on the Maryland Historical Trust’s website:

As in previous years, applicants will begin with the Intent to Apply form, which is due January 29. Once they have submitted that form, they will be provided access to the non-capital or capital project full application form, which will then be due on February 26. The Intent to Apply form does not obligate the applicant to complete a full application. See our “Grants” page for more information.

Watch a recorded FY17 Grant Webinar here:

NEW!!! The Spring FY16 Four Rivers Mini-Grant Opportunity has also been announced!
Visit our Mini-Grants page to download the application. The deadline for this application is Friday, February 12. Applicants MUST attend a short grant briefing with staff! Please call our office at 410-222-1805 to schedule your timeslot.

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