Fall Mini-Grant Round Is Announced

August 31, 2021

Four Rivers Heritage Area is pleased to announce the availability of our Fall FY22 Mini-Grants!

Visit the Mini-Grants tab on our Grants page to access the Application and Guidelines. Click on the Mini-Grants tab. 

Applications in the new grant cycle are due by October 6 and funding decisions will be announced by October 29, 2021.

These Mini-Grants are available for new heritage and preservation-related programs, activities, products, and events. We encourage Mini-Grant proposals that include collaborative partnerships and enhanced heritage tourism, preservation, and/or the stewardship of historical, cultural, and natural resources.

Non-profit organizations and municipalities are eligible to apply for projects that will be located within the boundaries of the Heritage Area. The maximum award is $5,000 and applicants must provide a one-to-one match (any combination of Cash or In-Kind).

This grant round is expected to be highly competitive; partial funding awards are likely. To learn more, applicants must send a representative to attend a mandatory zoom workshop on Thursday, September 23 at 3 p.m. Please send an e-mail to [email protected] to register.

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