“Painting with paper” is fun and you’d be amazed at the possibilities for letting your creative flag fly! Not to mention the fun you can have with kids and grandkids! It’s about messing around with colorful tissue paper, wrapping paper, photos just torn out of magazines, adding in paint, markers, pencils: anything goes. No worries if it doesn’t look “pretty”: if you had fun making it, you’ll have fun looking at it afterwards, ….and starting a new piece! This workshop will demonstrate a few simple techniques, using tissue paper, photographs, candy wrappers, shopping bags, etc. And I will set you to work to produce a piece to take home! When you have gotten into this kind of artmaking, part of the process is constantly being on the lookout for interesting stuff to use. “That’s a cool little gift bag: I can use that!”
So, please come join us on Saturday, February 15, 1-4 pm at the Davidsonville Family Recreation Center, 3789 Queen Anne Bridge Rd., for a creative and fun afternoon! All materials and snacks provided! The attached image combines all of the above techniques: collage, paint, pen and ink, photographs.