Join us on Wednesdays in January and February for engaging presentations followed by catered lunches. Doors open at 11:00 am. Lectures begin at 11:30 am and are followed by a lunch of soup with a side of bread, dessert, and tea and coffee.
February 7, Amelia Earhart: Dreams Take Flight, Mary Ann Jung, award-winning actress and Smithsonian scholar
Mary Ann Jung is back as Amelia Earhart! Discover what the dangers were in the fledgling field of early twentieth century flying and re-live the last days before Earhart’s dramatic disappearance. This show is a soaring tribute to the spirited heroine of both aviation and women’s rights.
8-Luncheon Series
$175 for members;
$245 for nonmembers
Individual Luncheons
$25 for members;
$35 for nonmembers