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Captain Avery Museum Winter Luncheon

March 12 @ 11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Join us on Wednesdays in January and February for engaging presentations followed by catered lunches

Doors open at 11:00 am. Lectures begin at 11:30 am and are followed by a lunch of soup with a side of bread, dessert, and tea or coffee.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton-Equality for All!

presented by

Mary Ann Jung, Award-winning Actress and Smithsonian Scholar

While Stanton is best known for her long contribution to the woman suffrage struggle, she was also active and effective in winning property rights for married women, equal guardianship of children, and liberalized divorce laws so that women could leave abusive marriages which harmed the wife, the children, and the economic health of the family.

Individual Luncheons

$25 for members;

$35 for non-members

Limited availability for Series admission. Please call us at 410-867-4486 if you’re interested in purchasing the whole series.


Captain Avery Museum
1418 E West Shady Side Road
Shady Side, MD 20764 United States
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Captain Avery Museum
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