Join us on Wednesdays in January and February for engaging presentations followed by catered lunches
Doors open at 11:00 am. Lectures begin at 11:30 am and are followed by a lunch of soup with a side of bread, dessert, and tea or coffee.
Wednesday, January 22
The Architects of Toxic Politics in America: Venom and Vitriol
presented by
Kenneth Walsh, Veteran White House Correspondent, Historian, and Author
In The Architects… Walsh demonstrates the toxicity of the current political moment and the forces that have created it. This book focuses on presidents and administrations as well as “non-presidential” architects of toxic politics: other politicians, campaign strategists, activists, and media figures.
Individual Luncheons
$25 for members;
$35 for non-members
Limited availability for Series admission. Please call us at 410-867-4486 if you’re interested in purchasing the whole series.