The Staff and Board of the Chesapeake Crossroads Heritage Area are saddened to learn that Patricia Barland passed away peacefully on Sunday, October 13, after a long illness, and we are keeping her family in our thoughts and prayers. Pat took the helm as Chair of our Board of Directors in 2005, and served until January 2016. CCHA Executive Director Carol Benson said, “Pat was unfailingly gracious, patient, and attentive to detail over the many years that she mentored me and all of us here at the heritage area in the proper management of a small but growing nonprofit organization in the midst of Anne Arundel County. The County was not only her home, but also the focus of her professional life, as she served many years as a Senior Planner with the County’s Department of Planning and Zoning. She knew everyone and opened many doors for me as we worked together over the years of her leadership, and she was a generous donor to the organization as well. She will be greatly missed.”