Chesapeake Crossroads Announces Twelve Mini-Grant Awards to Local Heritage Nonprofit Organizations

November 6, 2023
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Chesapeake Crossroads Heritage Area is pleased to announce twelve new Mini-Grant awards to local heritage-related nonprofit organizations as part of our FY24 Mini-Grant opportunity. The grants awarded this fall totaled $29,500 for overall projects of $209,508. This matching Mini-Grants program, made possible through a Block Grant from the Maryland Heritage Areas Authority, augmented this year by CCHA fund-raised funds, leverages additional local funding to assist local heritage related non-profit organizations to create new programs, products, activities, and events that build upon heritage-based interpretive themes, foster collaborative partnerships, and enhance local cultural historic resources and heritage tourism.

Organizations and projects approved for Fall FY2024 Mini-Grant awards include:

— Annapolis Maritime Museum & Park, “Underserved Youth Sailing Into History: Educational experiences for underserved youth,” $2,000

— Annapolis Symphony Orchestra, “Protecting the Sheet Music Collection to Provide Public Programs: Archival storage for Sheet Music Collection at Risk,” $1,000

— Captain Avery Museum, “Avery Heritage Gardens and Tour: Native Garden retrofit with signage, tour materials, and brochure,” $3,500

— Chesapeake Arts Center, “World Art Day Open House: Expansion of Arts Day Open House programming,” $3,500

— Chesapeake Children’s Museum, “First Foragers: Develop, fabricate and install interactive outdoor panel about Native American plants,” $1,500

— Historic Annapolis, “Hogshead Interpretive Materials and Supplies: Interactive, hands-on interpretive program supplies,” $2,000

— Live Arts Maryland, “Passion According to St. John 300th Year Commemoration: Community enhancement through commemorative musical performance,” $2,000

— London Town Foundation, “Historic London Town & Gardens African American Lecture Series: Lecture series to bring untold stories to light,” $2,500

— Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts, “Nava Dance Theatre ‘Rogue Gestures/Foreign Bodies’ Residency: South Asian Dance company residency with educational programming,” $3,500

— Severn Cross Roads Foundation, “Interpretive Signage for Historic Baldwin Hall: Interpretive signage, exterior and interior,” $2,000

— SoCo Arts Lab, “Community Enrichment Through Traditional Wood Firing: Materials for traditional wood kiln and related programming,” $3,000

— Wiley H. Bates Legacy Center, “Wiley H. Bates Legacy Center Oral History Project 2.0: Video production support for oral history projects,” $3,000

For more information about the grant program, please visit the Mini-Grants page on this website,

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