Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC)
647 Contees Wharf Rd.
Edgewater, MD 21037
(443) 482-2200
647 Contees Wharf Rd.
Edgewater, MD 21037
(443) 482-2200
NEW! The Woodlawn History Center welcomes visitors to SERC and provides an entry point and information on visitor amenities and announcements. Woodlawn is the oldest building in the Smithsonian’s collection that is still in its’ original location (the 1735 portion of the original house). Only two families have ever owned the house; the Sellman family for approximately the first 200 years, and the Kirkpatrick-Howats, for the next 100 years. Woodlawn’s most famous resident, Jonathan Sellman, fought with George Washington at Valley Forge. However, many other people have also lived on the land that is now SERC’s campus. SERC purchased the house in 2008 and took ownership in 2010, and it served as the citizen science environmental archeology lab for several years. The house was rehabilitated in 2020 to serve as SERC’s exhibit space and to showcase the archeological finds discovered on campus and to tell the story of this place. SERC has opened the Woodlawn History Center, whose exhibit tells the story of the land and the many people who have lived on what is now SERC’s campus, and places this local history within the broader historical context.
The Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) provides science-based knowledge to meet the environmental challenges of the 21st century. SERC leads research on coastal ecosystems—where the land meets the sea—to inform real-world decisions for wise policies, best business practices, and a sustainable planet. Its 2,650-acre campus spans forests, wetlands, marshes and 12 miles of protected shoreline. The site serves as a natural laboratory for long-term and cutting-edge ecological research. The campus is open six days a week for hiking on several miles of trails and for kayak launches from the dock. Other resources include historic structures and an education center. Public programs include frequent lectures, education programs and an annual open house.
Virtual Experiences:
Do citizen science from your home, and help identify some of the bizarre life underwater. SERC’s scientists have relaunched InvaderID. Through Invader ID, you can help SERC track changes in fouling communities and look for new occurrences of invasive species.
Estuary Chesapeake is a hands-on program in which 4th through 6th grade students can explore the living and non-living aspects of the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem.
The strength of the Estuary Chesapeake program is rooted in its capacity to deliver a comprehensive outdoor experience focused on an ecosystem of the Chesapeake Bay. Because Estuary Chesapeake involves a series of five teacher/parent led stations, SERC is able to accommodate up to 90 students at a time. SERC provides curriculum and materials, as well as on-site training to help teachers and parents prepare for the field trip.
To find all Estuary Chesapeake resources and the latest information all in one place, visit the blog, materials and details are organized in one place, plus videos, articles, lessons, discussions, and much more, all at your fingertips. The blog also features an archive of downloadable data collected by students, which can be used for comparison studies after the trip.
Exploring Nature provides age appropriate environmental education experiences for early elementary students to facilitate direct learning.
Do you remember your earliest nature experience? Exploring Nature’s Classroom Through Outdoor Learning (Exploring Nature) was developed to create a positive nature experience for lower elementary school students. This program uses age appropriate hands-on activities, costumes, and colorful visual aids to involve and inspire younger students and help them to appreciate and respect the natural world. The educational materials and activities complement the natural environment. They will focus on water and land animals, plants, soil, and water in different ecosystems, and using your sense in nature. After participating in the activities and learning basic ecological concepts, students can see these concepts “in action” at SERC. This program facilitates direct learning about the environment for students.
SERC offers home school science courses for students ages 5-7. Classes are hands-on, with an emphasis on outside/field study, microscopy, and the scientific method. Material is rigorous and age appropriate for each age group (5-7 years old), with a focus on hands-on inquiry for younger students and lab based investigation for older students. Past class topics include The Chesapeake Bay, Sounds in Nature, Biomimicry, Scientific Writing, Birds and Flight, and Ecosystem Engineers.
Parents are welcome to attend the 5-7 yr. old classes, and siblings are welcome to work in our study area or quietly in the classroom.
Pre-class vocabulary, web links, and assignments may be found on our home school blog. Sign up on our blog for e-mail notifications about new classes, weather updates, and pre-class materials.