Galesville Community Center

916 W Benning Road
Galesville, Maryland


The Galesville Community Center is located in the historic Rosenwald School of Galesville. It was built as an elementary school for African American children in 1929 as a one room school and expanded to a two room school in 1931 as part of the Julius Rosenwald Program. Click here to learn more about Rosenwald Schools. The school closed in 1956 and pupils were bussed out of the village. In 1957, a group of black residents formed a community association to save the schoolhouse. In 1958, the Galesville Rosenwald School was purchased from the Board of Education at a cost of $1,000 by 12 community residents that formed the Galesville Community Center Organization, Inc. The Community Center Organization was reorganized in 2003 to preserve the Galesville Rosenwald School. The historically significant structure was restored with grant funding from Preservation MarylandArundel Community Development ServicesAnne Arundel County Community Capital Grants, and a bond bill from the State of Maryland. Today, the building is an active community center, hosting a variety of events, from oral history days to historical exhibits to community gatherings.

Watch a recent presentation from the center below:

Virtual Experiences:

Watch   this video about the Galesville Community Center to learn more about its unique history and place in the Galesville community.


  • Open by Appointment

Hours of Operation

Open by appointment, and for special events.