Resources for Interpretive Signage Projects

March 8, 2022

Four Rivers/Chesapeake Crossroads Heritage Area is pleased to share the following resources about planning for interpretive signage projects. We presented a webinar on March 8th, 2022, with primary presenter, David J. Guiney, and panelists Marcie Taylor-Thoma, Jane Cox, Janice Hayes-Williams, and Andrew Arvizu. View a recording of the March 8th webinar here:

Read the “Chat” discussion here:

00:24:50 Carol Benson: Find the outline and other resources here:
00:26:32 Carol Benson: Welcome to panelist Janice Hayes-Williams!
00:30:15 janice: Hi!!!!!
00:45:50 Tim Leahy: It’s so interesting that this design standard came from Harpers Ferry Office! Most of us will recognize this as excellent “branding”
00:46:24 Marcie Taylor-Thoma: Yes, agreed!
00:47:14 Ellen Von Karajan: My group is private sector partner to the Washington Rochambeau National Historic Trail and we have requested just such a template for our 700 mile trail. Harpers Ferry designed wonderful waysides for the Hudson River Valley Trail sites.
00:47:45 Marcie Taylor-Thoma: Good idea, Ellen!
00:49:54 janice: The Port Marker will have a QR Code at City Dock.
00:51:03 Todd Powell: QR Codes are great
00:57:49 Tim Leahy: Can you share a list of artists ?

01:12:17 janice: A QR Code
01:29:14 Christine Dunham: Agreed- list of artists who draw historic structures
01:29:49 Anne Kyle: What’s the best way to make an interpretive wayside exhibit accessible to the visually impaired as well as for those with other disabilities?
01:31:16 Todd Powell: #Agree
01:33:22 Anne Kyle: Do you have cost estimates on doing tactile components for exhibits?
01:34:59 Carol Benson:
01:38:45 Ellen Von Karajan: so sorry I was not able to use my camera today. Thank you so much for this very instructive webinar. With Carol’s permission I intend to share it with our board so we are all better informed.
01:39:09 Marcie Taylor-Thoma: Thanks, Ellen!
01:39:13 Carol Benson: Yes, the recording is meant to be shared widely.
01:41:16 Lynda Davis (she/her): Great question Janice!!!
01:43:10 Marcie Taylor-Thoma: Love the idea of a visitor experience plan.
01:46:34 Carol Benson: The document Jane refers to is included in my link shared earlier
01:52:06 janice: Thank you Andrew.
01:53:27 Justine Schaeffer’s iPhone: Great webinar. Thank you.

01:53:41 Tim Leahy: Thank you!
01:53:47 Riley : Fantastic presentation! Thank you
01:54:07 janice: Wonderful!
01:54:32 Marcie Taylor-Thoma: Great resources and presentation!
01:54:36 Melissa Yanowitz: Thank you to all the participants for this presentation. Very informative.
01:54:37 Todd Powell: Great presentation! Thank you…

01:55:44 Anne Kyle: Historic Marker Database is another reference for wayside signs in your area.
01:55:46 Anastasia Poulos:
01:56:34 Robert Worden, Annapolis Heritage Cmsn: Many thanks for the presentation!
01:57:02 Anastasia Poulos: Thank you!

David adds: “The Illustrator I work with and whose work I showed in my program is Richard Schlecht. He lives in Frederick, Maryland, and he may be contacted at this address:
[email protected].”

Here is a resource shared by consultant and webinar presenter, David J. Guiney:

A Guide about Wayside Exhibits from the National Park Service —

Here is a resource shared by the head of Anne Arundel County Cultural Resources, and panelist, Jane Cox:

Here is an outline of the presentation on March 8, prepared by David J. Guiney:

Please use this link for a PDF version of David Guiney’s Powerpoint: The pictures may be used for educational purposes but not for any commercial purposes.

We will share additional resources as they become available. Many thanks!

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