Did you know every county in Maryland (and every heritage area) has a Destination Marketing Organization (DMO)? Ours is Visit Annapolis! Its full marketing name is “Visit Annapolis and Anne Arundel County” (VAAAC). Much more than a visitor information center, they are responsible for generating revenue for the local economy by promoting Annapolis, the county, and the Chesapeake Bay to leisure and business travelers across the country and around the world.
Even during these challenging times, their team has been hard at work marketing our area, whether it’s engaging us from home with #CelebrateOurMids and #AnnapolisMayDayAtHome or keeping up our spirits by distributing Don’t Give Up the Ship posters to our small businesses.
In continuing to highlight virtual tours of our partners, here are some of our favorite videos produced by Visit Annapolis featuring local heritage sites.
Visit the United States Naval Academy – Head over to the USNA for a sneak peek into one of our country’s most prestigious institutions.
Visit Sign of the Hogshead – Take a short tour of the newly-named Sign of the Hogshead, an original 18th-century home located on Pinkney Street in Downtown Annapolis.
Visit the Naval Academy Museum – Head to the United States Naval Academy Museum to check out the world-famous Rogers Ship Model Collection.
Visit the Banneker-Douglass Museum – Stop by the Banneker-Douglass Museum – Maryland’s official museum of African American heritage.
Visit the Maryland State House – Tour through the Maryland State House and discover a little history behind George Washington’s resignation as Commander in Chief.
Visit Historic London Town – Experience the Musket Fire Demonstrations and the grounds at the Historic London Town & Gardens.
Visit the Annapolis Maritime Museum – View the Waterman Exhibit at the Annapolis Maritime Museum.
For more local perspectives on the history, landmarks, and exhibits in Annapolis and Anne Arundel County, check out their blog, Annapolis Discovered.
Be on the lookout for more updates and initiatives from Visit Annapolis coming soon. They’re gearing up, working together with the Annapolis “Small Business Recovery Task Force” to be ready to welcome you as our area reopens as a visitor destination. All of us in the Four Rivers Heritage Area agree that “we can’t wait to see you see you!”